Prof. Wengang ZHANG Visited the Instituto Superior Técnico
Prof. Wengang ZHANG Attended the 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering and Delivered Academic Presentation
Our 2010 Alumni, Dr. Yifan Song, the Research Assistant at the Helmholtz Kiel Marine Research Center in Germany, Was Invited to Give a Report to Undergraduate and Master's Students
The 17th International Advanced School on Wind and Structural Engineering (IAS17)
The 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering,Co-organized by Chongqing University,Was Successfully Held in Beijing
PhD Candidate Chen Fuyong Attended the 29th ESREL 2019 and Delivered an Academic Presentation
A Paper by Prof. Wengang ZHANG of School of Civil Engineering Was Selected as the ESI Highly Cited Paper
PhD Candidate Student Won the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Data Driven Computing and Machine Learning in Engineering (DACOMA-19)
School Faculty and Students Participated in the 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Big Data in Geoscience
Associate Chair, Prof Wengang Zhang Received the 2019 Sloan Outstanding Paper Award
2019 the 3rd International Summer Camp Successfully Held in School of Civil Engineering, CQU
Prof Zhang Wengang attended the 1st MGS - GEOSS GEOTECHNICAL CONFERENCE 2019 and delivered two academic presentations