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Associate Chair, Prof Zhang Wengang visited The University of Malaya

2019-06-26 17:41

        After the 1st MGS - GEOSS GEOTECHNICAL CONFERENCE 2019, Prof Zhang Wengang, the Associate Chair in charge of Internationalization, paid an academic visit to the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Malaya. 

        On 26th June, Prof Zhang was invited to have an comprehensive discussion with Head of Department of Civil Engineering, Prof Lai Sai Hin, as well as the Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof Chong Wen Tong, about the university and faculty development, especially on the organizational framework, the discipline development and the research orientations, the international research & education collaboration, and expressed the mutual willingness to cooperate in faculty and student exchanges, research collaboration and joint application for international research funding from NSFC and Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, Malaysia. Prof Zhang focused on the introduction of the “Hongshen Post-doctoral Faculty Program” stipulated by Chongqing University as the new talents program and the postgraduate programs for oversea students in School of Civil Engineering. This visit will definitely promote the mutual understanding, consolidate the cooperation in student and faculty exchange and research collaborations between the two parties.

        After understanding that Prof Zhang had research interests in the reliability assessment for effect of deep braced excavation on adjacent buildings under complicated built environments, Prof Lai liaised with the project manager for the Pavilion Damansara Height Projects for site visit.It is a typical deep braced excavation problem for underground structure-soil-pile-upper building interaction, with adjacent (within 10 m) tall piled building of 60 stories, nearby Mass Rapid Transit systems and piers.

         After the site visit, the two sides had a further discussion on student and faculty exchange, research collaboration of funding, especially the “Hongshen Post-doctoral Faculty Program”, and expressed the intention to sign the initial agreement with regard to the cooperation above.

PS. The University of Malaya was established in 1949 with the merging of King Edwards VII Medical College and Raffles College in Singapore. The University motto, "Ilmu Puncha Kemajuan" (Knowledge is the Key to Success) reflects the philosophy of the University in its constant endeavour to seek knowledge in all fields to produce successful graduates and a successful nation. The Faculty of Engineering was established in 1956 as one the first Faculty in the University. 2018University of Malaya QS Ranking: 70, Faculty if Engineering ranking: 38.