A Special Collection led by SCE staff Academician Xuhong Zhou, cooperatively proposed by SCE Researcher Yongtao Bai, Prof. Frederic Ragueneau of Paris-Saclay University, and SCE Prof. Julio Florez-Lopez, titled as “Extreme Damage Mechanics for Lifecycle Fatigue Resilience of Infrastructure Systems” for ASCE-ASME* Journal for Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, whose editor-in-chief is Prof. Michael Beer of Leibniz University Hannover, improved CQU’s International reputation in the field of basic research on structural damage.
*ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers; ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Besides, Yongtao Bai is invited as one of editorial aboard (a total of 25) of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings from 2022. This is an internationally renowned Journal in High-rise Building field, whose editor is Academician Xilin Lv of Tongji University, published by one of the three major international academic publishing institutions - Wiley. Its theses mainly includes high-rise building structure, seismic design of structure, special structure and so on. This indicates CQU has a high international influence in the field of high-rise building structure and has been positively recognized by experts in related fields at home and abroad.