In the afternoon of 29th April, 2022, an interdisciplinary symposium for exchange of research topics was held at No.1 Academic Hall of School of Civil Engineering, presided over by the Chair of SCE Youth Federation, Prof. Zengshun CHEN. More than 30 youth faculty and staff participated: delegation of College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, including associate chair Prof. Rui CHEN, Prof. Xiaosong HU, Prof. Long BAI; delegation of School of Automation, including associate professor Kai WANG, associate professor Qie LIU; and SCE colleagues.

Firstly, as the representative of SCE, Prof. Zhang Wengang extended a warm welcome to the delegations of the other two colleges, and then introduced the background and the purpose of this symposium being to promote interdisciplinary integration and build a platform for exchange and cooperation between young staffs of different disciplines.

Afterwards, Prof. Zhang and Prof. Rui CHEN introduced the school/college and discipline of Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, respectively.

Huanran WU, Xiaogang HUANG, Long BAI, Guijian XIAO shared their studies about wind power engineering structures, multi-scale analysis of geotechnical materials, bionics and special robots, high-performance surface integrity processing respectively, and put forward the specific needs of interdisciplinary.
In the free discussion part, participants carried out in-depth exchanges and discussions combining with their own research fields and interdisciplinary issues.

The symposium lasted for nearly three hours, the participants all expressed that the interdisciplinary symposium broadened their academic horizon and solved the difficult problems in the cross-disciplinary exchange. Some of them reached the cooperation intention between the staffs form different colleges/schools.