On 24th June, 2022, Symposium on Machine Learning in Earthquake Early Warning and Geohazards Detection was held successfully online by Chongqing University. This symposium invited 5 experts and scholars to explain the research progress and application in relayed fields, they are Zhang Limin, the chair professor of Geotechnical Engineering and director of Centrifuge Laboratory at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Wang Zifa, the national '973' chief scientist researcher, Hu Jinjun, the professor of Institute of Engineering at China Earthquake Administration, Biswajeet Pradhan, the professor of University of Technology Sydney, Chen Zhixiong, the associate professor of SCE, CQU. Over 170 people participated in the exchange and study. Zhang Wengang, the associate chair of SCE, presided at this symposium.

At the beginning, Liu Hanlong, the Executive Vice President of CQU delivered a welcome speech. He indicated that this symposium would discuss on machine learning, disaster identification and early warning, hoped it serves as a communication and learning platform for faculty and researchers, and wished a cooperation opportunity for national projects and exchange.

Zhang Limin conducted a lecture titled as Machine learning powered high-resolution co-seismic landslide detection.

Wang Zifa conducted a lecture titled as Application of deep learning in earthquake early warning.

Hu Jinjun conducted a lecture titled as A machine learning based framework for modeling of regional scenario ground motion field.

Biswajeet Pradhan conducted a lecture titled as Geospatial Intelligence & Computation in Urban and Geohazards Applications.

Chen Zhixiong conducted a lecture titled as Assessment of rockburst risk using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines and Deep Forest model.
At the end, Zhang Wengang expressed thanks and welcome to the five exerts and all the participants, and summarized that all the lectures were the hot and frontier directions in the field of machine learning research.