On 26th Sept. 2022, Prof. Klaus Mainzer, the president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), sent a congratulatory letter to Prof. Yeong Bin Yang (the honorary Chair of SCE and the member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering) that he has been elected as ordinary member in the Class of Technical and Environmental Sciences of EASA by the vote of the EASA Board on 23rd September.

EASA brings together approximately 2000 eminent scholars and practitioners, among them 35 Nobel Prize winners, from across Europe. They are divided into 7 classes: Humanities; Medicine; Arts; Natural Sciences; Social Sciences, Law and Economics; Technical and Environmental Sciences and World Religions. EASA’s activities take place by class or between them for interdisciplinary exchange.
Reasons for nomination of Professor Y.B.Yang:
Worldwide recognition for his outstanding research on vehicle-bridge dynamics and highspeed railways; Outstanding work in research, education and administration (Influential books and journal articles, National and international awards, University President, Engineering Dean, Academician); Significant and sustainable collaboration with European Universities and Academies(Austria, Greece, Czech Republic).