Though the reunion was by COVID-19 pandemic, the passion to get together can never be stopped. The 70th anniversary of SCE held online on September 3, 2022. Shu Lichun, Secretary of CPC CQU Committee, delivered a video speech; Wang Shuxin, CQU president and CAE member, sent a message video; Zhu Jialin, former Secretary of CPC CQU Committee, Zhou Xuhong, former CQU president and CAE member, Liu Hanlong, CQU managing vice president, and partner universities at home and abroad all expressed their congratulation by video. The anniversary was presided over by Fu Yin, secretary of Chinese Communist Youth League SCE Committee and counselor.

Shu Lichun, Secretary of CPC CQU Committee

Wang Shuxin, CQU president and CAE member

Zhou Xuhong, Yang Yeong-Bin, Tamura Yukio, SCE academic leaders and CAE members

Congraulation Letter by China State Construction Engineering Corporation

Li Guoqiang, Feng yuan, Li Jianjun, SCE alumni

Li Tangning, representative of SCE retiree

Du Chenqiu, representative of SCE young staff

Gu Yujun, representative of SCE students
The theme song Journey of Civil Engineering, original MV where dream starts, and original drama Time of Civil Engineering played at the anniversary, demonstrated the patriotism and achievements of SCE staff and students.

SCE has striven for its original aspiration of being first-class for 70 years and will keep on everlastingly. The anniversary ended in the song of constructor and the song of CQU. There were more than 100,000 people gathering in the clouds to celebrate SCE’s 70th birthday.