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New semester, new journey: SCE holds Faculty-Student Communication Meeting for Undergraduate Class of 2021

2023-03-02 09:23

In order to improve the communication between teachers and students of SCE and further guide students to make good academic planning and promote career development in the new semester, a Faculty-Student Communication Meeting was held on February 23, 2023 in the DZ126 Campus Huxi. Secretary of CPC SCE Committee Hua Jianmin, Chair Yang Qingshan, Deputy Secretary of CPC SCE Committee Ma Ji, faculty representative Prof. Chen Zengshun, academic affairs teacher Lu Li and Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ma Xiaoxue attended the meeting, and undergraduate 2021 class counselor Wang Mengzhen and all 2021 class students participated in the meeting.

First of all, Yang Qingshan introduced the recent situation of SCE, motivated the students to keep the heart of knowledge in their study and life, and actively develop and enterprising, and put forward hopes and requirements: First, to persist in unremitting efforts, and strive to be the mainstay of the development of SCE and CQU; second, to firmly develop confidence, aiming at the world's frontier level to continue to tackle; third, to cherish the youth time, let the struggle become the best footnote of youth.

As a representative of teachers, Chen Zengshun shared his personal experience of pursuing education, encouraged students to establish ambitious ideals and beliefs, always be grateful, and offered valuable advice on course study and academic research.


Hua Jianmin stressed that the rapid development of SCE cannot be achieved without the joint efforts of teachers and students, and SCE always puts students' development in the first place and makes every effort to create the best development conditions for students; at the same time, he encouraged students to seize the opportunity, improve their skills, dare to be excellent, strive to be excellent, learn from masters, strive to become masters, and become the backbone of the great rejuvenation of the new era.


After that, Lu Li introduced SCE academic affairs, Ma Xiaoxue explained about the international exchange of students, and Wang Mengzhen emphasized the creation of academic style, class group construction and daily management in the new semester.



During the meeting, SCE leaders and teachers patiently answered the questions raised by the students and gave advice and guidance in personal growth and career development.