Progress Report on Professor Zhang Chuan's Participation in the Compilation of Concrete Series Code
Since July 2019, Professor Zhang Chuan has participated in the preparation of three national codes: Local revision of 《Code for Design of Concrete》, 《Manual for Design of Concrete Structures》 and 《Standard for Terminology of Engineering Structures》. He made a progress report at Room 219 of the Construction Engineering Hall at 7 p.m. on October 15, 2019. The meeting was presided over by ...

A Paper by Prof. Wengang ZHANG of School of Civil Engineering Was Selected as the ESI Highly Cited Paper
According to the latest data from ESI (Essential Science Indicators), the paper "Multivariate adaptive regression splines and neural network models for prediction of pile drivability" written by Prof. Wengang ZHANG of our faculty was selected as the top 1% of papers by field and publication year. The paper has been published in the journal of Geoscience Frontiers with CiteScore of 4.24, Impac...

Associate Chair, Prof Wengang Zhang Received the 2019 Sloan Outstanding Paper Award
Recently, the international publishing giant, Elsevier, issued the certification to Prof Wengang Zhang for high-quality paper "Multivariate adaptive regression splines for analysis of geotechnical engineering systems". Prof Zhang is one of the winners of the Computers and Geotechnics 2019 Outstanding Paper Award, which is now named in honor of the late Prof Scott Sloan. Each year, at most five papers are selected with a significant impact on the field of geotechnical engineering. This impact is based on SCOPUS citations (excluding self-citations) for the previous five years, in conjunction with the opinion of the Editors.