On July 9-14, 2018, three famous scholars, Prof. Khalid M. Mosalam, University of California, Berkeley (UC), USA; Prof. Ian Burgess, University of Sheffield (US), UK; Dr. Mohamed Elchalakani, University of Western Australia (UWA), visited school of Civil Engineering (SCE), Chongqing University (CQU), to conduct lectures and expand academic exchanges.
On July 9-12, Dr. Mohamed Elchalakani conducted a four-day intensive course entitled "Structure Steel Design To Australian Steel Code As4100", on which topic dozens of SCE’s teachers and students discussed lively with him. Finally Dr. Mohamed Elchalakani expressed his appreciation to SCE and his intention to cooperate with CQU in scientific research.
At 15:30 pm, July 10, Prof. Ian Burgess conducted a report named "Research methods in structural fire engineering for a steel-framed building structure". Members of the Steel Structure Fire Resistance team led by researcher Hu Ying then reported on their own scientific research progress: the study of fire resistance of concrete beams strengthened by steel plates and the performance of bolts after high temperature overfire. Prof. Ian Burgess expressed his full affirmation and his own opinion after the reports, and also gave some suggestions after fervent discussion.
At 16:00 pm, July 14, Prof. Khalid M. Mosalam conducted a report entitled "New Direction In StructuralHealth Monitoring", mainly focus on describing combination of artificial intelligence and structural health monitoring. At the end of the lecture, a senior teacher had a wonderful interaction with Professor Mosalam. Students benefited greatly from it.