Dr. Zezhou WANG, research fellow from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, was invited by Professor Wengang ZHANG to deliver a 3.5-hour graduate course for SCE, CQU, titled “Machine learning/ deep learning algorithms and their applications in (geotechnical) engineering”, on 11 May, 2022. There are 85 students and staff in total take this course online.

Firstly, Wang briefly introduced machine learning from the concept, the function, the implementation of machine learning, as well as neural network and Convolutional Neural Network. The he highlighted the application of machine learning in geotechnical engineering, the geotechnical reliability analysis, from three aspects: random field, hybrid method, and multiple uncertainties. His course started from theory to practice, not only includes research background and purpose, literature review, but also combines with actual case studies. Wang also shared the latest progress from his own research. Linking the theory with practice, SCE students understood the concepts and the specific application of machine learning and optimization algorithm in civil engineering.

During the course, SCE students and staff had a heated discussion about application of machine learning in civil engineering.