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Student Communication Program of Top Japanese Universities in 2024

2024-10-15 17:58

   In order to expand students' horizons and enhance students' international communication ability, the School of Civil Engineering of Chongqing University launched the 2024 Japanese Top School Communication Program. From July 14 to 19, 2024, 19 graduate students and 3 undergraduate students from the School visited Nagoya University, Kyoto University, Nagasaki University for study and communication. They developed a comprehensive understanding of the distinctive attributes of these top Japanese universities and visit prominent Japanese corporations and infrastructural developments, thereby enhancing insights from Japan's innovative practices in urban planning, architectural design, construction, among other fields.

The delegation visited Kyoto University and Nagasaki University on July 16 and 18, respectively, where they made academic presentations and engaged in strong academic exchanges with Japanese teachers and students. Afterwards, the group visited the subject laboratories of both universities to learn about the scientific organization of the laboratories and the progress of experiments, which further stimulated the students' interest in scientific research and studying abroad. At Nagoya University, the group also visit attached library, commemorative architecture, and modern research center.

On the 19th, the group visited the Lake Biwa Canal Museum, Togetsukyo Bridge, and other locations for field studies with the aim of understanding the historical background of the project and design innovations.By this way students gaining a deeper insight into the significant impact of engineering technology on social development. At Tsuyoshi Bridge, students experienced and learned about the fusion of traditional Japanese and modern bridge design and construction techniques, which deepened their understanding of the aesthetics and functionality of bridge engineering.  


This experience has injected new impetus into the students' future studies, providing them with a valuable opportunity to broaden their professional view, deepen their understanding of the industry, and enhance their cross-cultural communication skills.

Advice on the Communication

Standing on the podium in the lecture hall of Kyoto University to share my research results is both an honor and a challenge for me. This program not only allowed me to present myself, but also provided me valuable feedback from Japanese counterparts, which greatly expanded my academic version and made me acutely aware of the power of international cooperation and knowledge sharing.

——Qingze Li

This event provided me with a valuable platform for learning and communication, enhancing my understanding of Japanese engineering technology and higher education while also fostering deeper cultural exchanges. Through this field trip and in-depth academic interactions, my appreciation and respect for different cultures have significantly deepened.  

——Zeyu Liu

During this program at top Japanese universities, I was deeply captivated by the campus atmosphere of Nagoya University. Not only does it representative world-class research facilities, but its use of sustainable buildings and green technologies truly expand my horizon. Visiting the Toyota Industrial Technology Memorial Hall allowed me to grasp how technological innovation promote industry transformation and upgrading, significantly influencing my future career.  

——Xiang Li