Xiao Yang, Sun Zengchun, Desai C. S., Meng Mminqiang. Strength and Surviving Probability in Grain Crushing under Acidic Erosion and Compression[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2019, 19(11): 04019123.
Keywords: Particle size; Single-grain strength; Limestone grain; Acidic erosion; Weibull distribution.
High Lights:
Single-grain crushing tests were carried out on limestone with nominal particle sizes of 2.5, 5, and 10mm to investigate the effect of particle size and acidic erosion on grain strength, characteristic stress, and probability of survival. The characteristic stress at failure was calculated when the particles were broken. The data showed that in addition to nominal particle size, acidity and soaking time played significant roles in determining the strength of a particle. The Weibull distribution theory was applied to calculate the Weibull modulus and the surviving probability of grain crushing. The results revealed that the Weibull modulus decreased with increasing acidity and soaking time, and the test data were accurately described by the Weibull distribution. In addition, the average failure force was well predicted by the equation incorporating the grain size and acidic erosion effect.