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Exploring Chongqing's Past and Present: International Summer Camp's Gaojia Garden Visit, Planning Exhibition Gallery Tour, and Martial Arts Experience

2024-08-04 19:03

On July 3rd, 2024, the second day of the International Summer Camp, students embarked on an enriching journey with on-site visits to the Gaojia Garden Industrial Park and the Planning Exhibition Gallery.

To the surprise of the participants, the site they now stand on was once an abandoned factory and a wasteland filled with household trash just eight years ago. Through the transformation by the Major Design Institute, this former industrial wasteland has now been transformed into a new landmark of Chongqing City.


On-site Visit to the Gaojia Garden Industrial Park


A Tour of Linjiang Road in Campus A


Visit to the Planning Exhibition Gallery

In the afternoon’s session, participants engaged in a hands-on experience of Chinese Kongfu, under the guidance of Professor Leichu Liu. They not only mastered the fluid movements of Tai Chi and the powerful stances of Shaolin boxing, but also deeply experienced the philosophical thoughts embedded within Chinese martial arts.


Professor Leichu Liu showed Tai Chi